Wednesday, December 15, 2010

That little thing called life


A little limitless blue
amongst a maze of electric wires connecting cloud to cloud

A small peep of some warm earth
from behind the cold cloak of cement 

A shock of lush, life-full wild
in the sterile silence of large empty offices

A touch of cold rock under bare foot
amidst red pump-heels muffled in carpeted lobbies

A shriek of real pain, a flame of true passion
amidst calculated words and glassy eyes

The moon a little more fairer
sooted behind the exhaust fan in the kitchen window

And amidst all the chaos of living
that little something called life!

Notes - It started out as sentences but turned into a blank verse. I couldn't find the exact image that can go with the words, but this one comes close. Picture by Punit when we visited Vasai Fort.