Friday, December 28, 2012

Monsoons in Mumbai

evening of theatre,
thick carpets, warm laughter,
pouring outside - a stormy night;
a good old hindi vetaran making you laugh some, cry some-
we break for sandwiches, strong coffee -
then laugh some more;
heading home in the rains,
walking along a sea gone wild,
dimly the street lights flicker above;
chuck the umbrella its too windy anyways;
a nest of confused curls - damp, dripping;
carrying a cloud overhead;
patiently waiting outside a crowded restaurant,
a steaming bowl of soup warms the trembling fingers.
last local home -
tonight again, eyes close before the day does.

monsoons in mumbai -
love it, hate it,
then hate it some more,
and miss it when its gone,
that annoying old friend
i just can't get rid off.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

                                                                                                      violet feet.
                                                                                     a little of heaven
                                                                                          I carry in my steps

This is my experiment in composing a haiku. These gorgeous mountains, as you might have rightly guessed are from Ladakh, J&K, India, clicked in 2010.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

letters from summer

a thought rolls in my mouth
tossed, turned, examined, forgotten.

till it cut the tongue
like a shard of glass

and ceaselessly, memories bled
slipping from the smile’s, tight grip.

heart gave in first, eyes followed.
and now,

winter sits at my doorsteps
awaiting the letters from summer

Notes - Letting go is always difficult. This one is for all my friends, college days, the cute little Santa Cruz apartment, collegues at office and the one hell of a ravishing city called 'Mumbai'! I spend an incredible and unforgettable three years here and would return back in two months........ with a ring on my finger. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

That little thing called life


A little limitless blue
amongst a maze of electric wires connecting cloud to cloud

A small peep of some warm earth
from behind the cold cloak of cement 

A shock of lush, life-full wild
in the sterile silence of large empty offices

A touch of cold rock under bare foot
amidst red pump-heels muffled in carpeted lobbies

A shriek of real pain, a flame of true passion
amidst calculated words and glassy eyes

The moon a little more fairer
sooted behind the exhaust fan in the kitchen window

And amidst all the chaos of living
that little something called life!

Notes - It started out as sentences but turned into a blank verse. I couldn't find the exact image that can go with the words, but this one comes close. Picture by Punit when we visited Vasai Fort.

Friday, November 5, 2010

All I you

Its been a while
since I have felt this way
But now that I do
it feels like the only way
its supposed to ever be
just you and me
and the magic that is ‘us’!

Am not about pretty roses
sweet smiles, sugary proses
I’ll be your anchor in rough seas
When its too sunny to smile
I’ll be the breeze

And after a bad dream
when I shiver at night
Just hold me tight
So I know you care
And no matter what
you will always be there
to hold me close, keep me warm
Through to the dawn
through all the storm.

Don’t bring me the stars
Brown teddy, gifts or flowers
I need no words
no compliments old or new
All I need on my day
….is you.

Notes - This one is not a great piece of poetry, I understand; in terms of technique, meaning, style or even choice of words. But what I like it for is its flow and simplicity. I was cleaning up the store room, a day before Diwali, when I started humming these lines. It was as if singing one's favourite song after years, not knowing you still remember the lyrics so well!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

my funeral

purple flowers slowly settled
over the dying day’s eyes
and in the dark of the growing night
drowned the crimson of sullen skies

on the ripples of breeze, swift, unusually cold
soaked in death’s savour
my breaths drifted away, and for ever

mist smiles on my face
eyes gaze into infinity
has winter seeped too deep
when spring should be?
or was that a touch of death?

in immense darkness
on a wooden pile I sleep
the wood and I burn endlessly
and the darkness grows deep

the shine has lost forever
words withered in smoke cloud
heart beats speak no more
murmur of the crackling fire ‘s too loud

my feeble hands unreachable
to clasp the smoke
 lost in murky air

in the touch of golden silk flames
I see myself
being tickled, tossed and turned
innocent fire wipes unceasingly
stains of death’s shadows on me
and I get burned!

clutched in the arms of smoke I lie
but the cotton plugs deny
a taste of my mortality

beside the fire I sit and see
the smouldering lips
the vapouring curls
and the vanishing me

those were the eyes of blooming dreams
now melt on shameless pyre
 the ashes laugh, mock at me
they carry the death’s desire

stillness, silence, then a hum far away
a pulse in flesh that as soft can be
an unborn life
that’s me...

Notes – This is undoubtedly my favorite of all the poems. I wrote it in my tenth grade. There is a chapter in the Bhagvat Gita, in which Lord Krishna makes Arjun imagine the death of his own body, to emphasize on the fact that he is an everlasting soul and not the mortal body. That is where I drew my inspiration. Couldn't quite get it to a smooth finish though.